Un osti'd voyage!

C'est bien le temps de se lancer un beau defis. Au début de l'été, on rêvait de faire un voyage en vélo. Le parcours fut choisit: la ville de Québec à Charlottetown. En suivant la côte sud du fleuve Saint-Laurent, autour de la péninsule Gaspésienne, sud au Nouveau Brunswick, et finalement l'Île du Prince Edouard. Suivez-nous si vous êtes capable! On postera des photos et des histoires le long de notre aventure.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Hello P.E.I. / Bonjour I.P.É

Hello all (24 Sept & 25th Sept.)
Last Day in N.B. - FOG

We arrived in P.E.I. 2 evenings ago, night of the 24th, after our last day in N.B. of biking in the rain and the fog. Weather cleared just enough for us to have lunch in a small park.
Got to the Confederation bridge around 5 PM - What a sight !!!  Took the free/mandatory shuttle across the bridge and was on the island by 6PM.  Found a campsite nearby and had a late supper and enjoyed some island music with a live band at the campground.

PEI hills

Fist day in PEI, we traveled from the Bridge to Canvendish Beach - Beautiful!  I've got to say, there are deffinitely hills in P.E.I.  Lost one of my sandals and one of Denis's sandals on the Confederation Trail and on a bumpy back road - a little disapointed. 
Camping by the beach - Cavendish, PEI National Park of Canada
Had a great sleep by the beach, amayzing stars, warm breeze. 

Elyza is doing great, but anxious for the plane ride to see Marquis & ... Patrick !?

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